Tuesday, November 27, 2007

yada doodles D:
nothing much nowadays except for drill&stuffs.
drill camp tml, &im freaking dreading it.
lets hope i get sick or something,hahahah jkjk.
havent packed but honestly i dont really care bout packing lol.
for now whats important is my pia-ing finish of x-family,heh.
its not my fault laaaaa the whole series is so long&i have too many drill+stuffs so too bad.

dance lessons are okay i think.
nothing much to comment.

secones called us back for drill yesterday but erms nothing much once more, whats after was :D :D :D

so the nolifekia aka cbd aka debrapeh&i went of to the nolifeplace for lunch lol.
even though the both of us alr had pizza two days ago but we still went cos it was a craving.
&cravings are not to be neglected lol.
afterwhich bbn aka sheenayi joined us&the 3 of us sat in pizzahut for 2 hours.
went of to meet chc aka kerensachew for dessert at citylink than ;D

gelare's nice &comfy i must say.
we sat thr for like reallyreally long, just talking&crapping :D
havent had so much fun for so long alr (:
{except for PeH pEh who left her footsteps thr lol}
oh&i seriously think that sheena's really superbly motherly :D
i shall call her mother yi next time.
&kerensa loves shitting hahaha.

dint take much pictures than except for motheryi who is really really boyish ;D
goodness i really think i havent been so comfy since yesterday.
laughed like mad chickens too (:

alright, so i guess i wont update till saturday or maybe sunday.
drill camp/marg jie house stayover/GB family day D:
i need more sleep!

oh&i came across this thing that really made me want to puke.
i swear i needa tell that nolifekia about it, i think she will just laugh her ass off while i'll give her -.-

&finally the tagreplies!

wanling: HIYA STEADY :D yupyup the stone's coldddddd! my tagboard's rare? its been here since sec1 lol. yay &ONCE AGAIN THE DAY IS SAVED THANKS TO MY STEADY! :D
caleena: hello tiger ROAR BAC lol. yupyup! x-family's niceeeeee :D oh&yeah i know her shes my pri skl friend :D yupyup, actually i see you quite alot in skl hhaa.
piratepart: what if i think up&down? :D
grace: its a connection between us darling lol. so i have to post it out! talk to me talk to me! erm i dont know whats the blankspace i always sucked in fill in the blanks since pri skl ;D LOL.
yiyang: of cos, my ouxiang not around what lol. now go china somemore lei hahha. u should have bled again shucks.
gina: hah YEAH! gongzhuxiaomei is YOOHOO~
diana: yeah, now uploaded till 11 alr so exciting! (: uh, so erm? u want a diaday? hahaa. go make a tee shirt for yourself? haha. jkjk.
siewmin: woohoo~ paint good? what bout crayons :D
choonpei: i cant work heh because im not of legal age yet if you dint realise :D
leepeng: what if i say no? will u kill me? cos if you will i'll still say no hahaha.
chelsia: wah, hellooooooo spammer of the spamming queens in spamming nation lol.
fish: nahhh, i only saw mercury :D its all available in thermometers. of cos because snakes are lame, they cant walk up to people&treat others, people would just think snakes are mad lol.
sheena: hello mummy yi! :D oh they are currently contemplating about whether to be the child or the daughter hahaha.

finally! toodles :D

Friday, November 23, 2007

busy days nowadays.
havent blogged actual posts since november 11, now thats quite long ago.
so i think i shall throw aside my drama for today? ):

so nothing much nowadays just drill&stuffs.
but tuesday was :D :D :D

went to check out stuffs for bonding camp in the afternoon with kahwee first :D
sat away from the stop before going back to that stop again lol.
&we looked like banana twins with our 50th anniversary tee&fbts.
at least sushi was nice!
wormy decided to treat me :D

chionged to sheena's house afterthat for teppanyaki dinner!
that ameliatan dint come on time &it was actually her welcome dinner -.-
ohwells, at least the marvellouso dinner made up for her lateness.
i was damnit freaking hungry la lol.
afterwhich a picture taking spree :D

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oh&amelia+KAHWEE bought us coma tees! :D
so we took pics with them too.
grace darlingggggggg&i had the black pair which was originally what we wanted(:

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&finally the day tees which we after long long long last had a chance to wear together lol.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

thats bout it for tuesday yup :D

alright, thr's open house tml.
need to go sleep now ):
shall do tag replies another day which is gonna be really long away lol.

toodles :D

Monday, November 19, 2007

i guess i'll just do short summarizing.

GB is getting into my blood nowadays.
i dont know but i think one day i'll just go crazy&stand in front of a car before getting knocked down by it -.-
now maybe that would be a one way ticket to antistress gb.

&i think md was mad.
cos i was having moodswings.
&momentarily blankout whereby i will just stare into space.
or something like that.
anw, where can space be? cant see it so near,ohwells.

alright, thr's dinner at sheena's tml!
we can FINALLY wear our complete day tees after like months&months&months.

oh&dinner at marina bay celebrating HL milk's birthday was :D :D :D
cos i'll say i really had a superbly hugeeeee appetite that day.
&goodness i have to admit the prawn was superb (:
even though i got locked out of my house for like 5mins -.-
luckily my uncle could open the door for me lol.

alright, x-family for now again! ;D

&im really lazy to do tagreplies nowadays so another day people.

oh&thanks for the present chooooooonpei :D
toodles! ;D

Sunday, November 18, 2007

a really really brief post :D

been busy with GB stuffs these days.
&it would be great if some people would stop being so pissing.
but i still think life's great.
cos i have zhong ji yi jia to accompany me.
even though my comp has kok-ed up for the second time once more -.-

&amelia dearie's back with her beloved coma tees for us! :D
im getting green even if im gonna kill her or something lol.
anw, ive alr reserved it, so im gonna murder whoever dares snatch it from me,hahah.

alright, back to drama-ing for now.
imagine me without zhong ji yi jia for 24 hours.
i was bored out of my ass.

oh&i think i dint mention, but i got my order of phoenix disc like a trillion weeks ago ;D
two more to the complete collection.
&i suddenly miss my crazy e.t.r.d mate :/

if you can just pick up that responsibility of yours you somehow left behind.

toodles :D
i'll update a really long one another day (:


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

been rather bored these few days.
but ohwells, dance lessons are rather intriguing lol.

meeting yesterday was okay i think.
ikea was just walking around&deciding stuffs etc.
chelsia's house was boring for awhile,than it went on to more exciting stuffs.
trooped of for dance lesson at eastpoint afterwhich.

i'll just say the instructors are rather amusing :D
&i actually still prefer hiphop ooohwells.

drama-ing is mad omg.
i was laughing with grace about ma gua la wth.
&i'll say the x-family is getting nicer, even though i still prefer KO one.
but romantic princess is still as nice as ever :D
pity its only 10 episodes.

alright, back to drama-ing for now.
just wanted to have a proper post.

toodles ;D

Sunday, November 11, 2007

alright, darned.
im getting hooked on dramas now.
lazy to blog,lol.
toodles ;D

Friday, November 09, 2007

dang it, the holidays are getting boring.
but once next week starts its going to be crazy :/
oh&the pictures that i promised ;D

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okay,photobucket's screwed today.
it only manged to upload that one photo,ohwells.
&i guess i wont upload the rest alr, cos im a AHEM RATHER LAZY PERSON,lol.

darned, been stuck at home these two days.
at least dramas are rather :D :D :D
i completed KOone a few nights ago&i must say the ending was rather disappointing ):
how could they actually all end up without martial arts,darned.
at least the he bao dan thingy was super funny,lol.

&gongzhuxiaomei is nice too ;D
wuzun is bloody freaking charming,lol.
i think choonpei's reaction at this sentence would be "EEWWWW!"
at least dont comment,haha.

tomorrow's saturday, i think i'll be seeing choonpei tomorrow for tuition :D
&i cant wait for next week to come i think.
cos i wont be cooped at home at least.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
alright, i just felt like typing alota smileys -.-

catherine: er, i dont really remember either.
jieting: haha, because drill camppppp is freakyyyyyyyy lol.
caleena: yeah, it is! GO THE STONE :D
diana: lol, yeah okay la hokkien mee is nice excluding the part about bringing it up the changcheng :D
baowen: why am i middle snake, i rather be side snake,lol. middle snake does not exist,only middleman. haha, &yes as i have alr told u on msn, i bao-ed by 400+ alr freakit ;D

shakesphere says: to be or not to be;thats a question LOL.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

brief recap &stuffs cos i really dont remembered how i passed the last few days without the heavenly presence of my comp,lol.

friday was meeting in logroom once more.
but i think the atmosphere was more for a sleeping beauty or something.
lunch was chicken rice haaha, thats basically what i can remember.
a picture grace&i took during lunch break,lol.

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afterwhich we CAMPED at vc's new house down the road of anglicanhigh :D
had htsquared for awhile before we started going crazy thinking of ideas to let amelia's farewell be great.
pictures once more,lol.
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lets say; we really realised the importance of amelia's presence than.
thats why we decided to meet up on monday [2days ago] for her farewell dinner ;D

before that, saturday was seemui's birthday!
sorry, i dint manage to blog this out than, BLAME IT ON MY BROKEN DOWN COMP lol.
i know even though i can be quite LENG sometimes.
but i know u appreciate it, i know you do, dont hide it :D
&i love catching you at your super unglam moments; like running after the bus.
while i stand at the side&shout "seemui!" haha.
&even though you dint manage to get your bike ride successful, at least you tried ;D
touching lei seemui,lol.

anw, met up&stuffs early in the morning on saturday.
we wanted to catch darren&diya at their bo luo bao selling thingy.
of cos, we did manage to in the end, but they made us wait darn long just to get it.
reason; out of stock -.-
ohwells, but we went around taking pictures with starrrrrrs! :D
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than seemui came&our mission to get her to learn bike riding started.
but we most obviously failed -.- lol.
afterwhich we even got lost trying to go home,hahaha.
blahblah stuffs, went home.

monday was fun :D
had drill comm meeting early in the morning till afternoon 1plus.
afterwhich took a bus to faeces face house!
i chionged finish the letters we were supposed to write for amelia ; one per day.
had to do it than cos comp broke down ):
anw, did it within an hour, pro-ed lol.
went to get amelia's ring! :D

reached sheena's house stuffs&chionged to print out all our msges combined together for amelia :D
end product is as such!
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one envelope per day for amelia to read at night :D
{&it is even unclosed in a ziploc bag to prevent the letters from getting wet,lol.}
its just like us accompanying her to chiangrai cos most unfortunately we were unable to D:

anw, had pizzahut for dinner!
&it was reallyyyyyyyyy nice :D
afterwhich picture taking session again with emo songs as background music.
&my laogong dint go but still at least amelia has your message too! :D
anw, pictures once more!
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&to amelia!
even though you are really retarded,
even though you are really lag,
even though you are really slow,
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anw, went out with vagdks today :D
really sorry that amelia had to be in chiangrai.
but the pictures we took left spaces for you! lol.
pictures another day than cos i have no idea wheres grace, most likely watching the next pussycatdoll.
so i'll upload them once i receive them from her.

anw, met at 2 at vivo!
had lunch at whitedogcafe.
&it was bloody freaking filling for $13.90.
ohwells, at least i thought the chair was rather comfy ;D

afterwhich caught thegameplan!
omg, i was laughing like mad even before the show started.
we had first row seats so we were trying our best to make ourselves comfortable.
i was like having a leg fight with debra who was sitting two seats away from me.
in fact i ended up lying almost straight across four chairs interlocked with sheena, kc&debra,lol.

anw, i think the rock is really super funny {STOP IT STOP IT}
&the little girl is exceptionally cute,lol. {TRYYYYYY ME}

never say no
aye, &that basically sums up my post for today.

seemui: they dint even sing la, they super dua pai la lol.
zongzuo: i guess you are still such an airhead,lol. IP ADDRESSES CHANGE ALL THE TIME LA -.-
catherine: nope, just the chinese character.
mavis: HELLOOOOOO MAVIS! (: hahah, its some kuku person whom i also dont know :D
wanzhen: hello back! AH! hahha. ZHEN NI DE PI GU ZHEN NI DE PI GU HAHHAA.
debrat: haha, i dont think i have slept yet at that time, cos i remember seeing that tag before i sleep heh. okay! asap :D
fish: i dont like to be mia,lol. you are the long time no see fish. I SHANT WASH IT I DIE ALSO DONT WANT HAHA. yes, so u wanna miss her? i can SMS her u know, haha. chiangrai surprisingly has reception now.
-: hello, i think you even more boliao to tag with - lol, as if i will go check ip address, im not chuazongzuo.
diana: lol, you try carrying 8 packets of it from 85 all the way up changcheng to skl than you tell me whether still want to eat haha, its super heavy la!
wanling: haha, yeah i know your "longgggg" is rather longggggggggggggggggg but mine is longerrrrrrrrrrrrr lol.
jieting: yepyep, jiayou for your o's! :D ack, i dont want drill to start lei ):

finally, toodles :D

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

comp broke down this few days, shall update detailed one tml.
darned, i still havent finished KO one ):
alas, the amount of homework :O

drill's gonna start soon.
oh, i am gonna miss you amelia ):
enjoy yourself at chiangrai.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

brief post:

went for sec3s meeting today in school from 10am-5pm D:
i was dying&really wanted to sleep yawns.
came home slept till 7.

so tomorrow shall be almost the same as today.
but who knows what time it will end.
but i dont think i wanna eat hokkien mee again,lol.

oh, fairy godmonks are like lollollol.

a post done! :D