Wednesday, April 05, 2006

first period-PE
we had to run up the stairs 20 times.
was breathing heavily like mad.
so vian and me cheated a little.
instead of touching the ground,
we just turned and went up again.
2nd and 3rd peiod-Home Econs
we were the last to reach class.
so paiisey.
but still,
at least we did not get scolded till really badly.
we were late for 5 mins?
course our legs were really shaking from climbing up the stairs 20 times.
so we made sponge cake today.
quite alright but we did not fold the cake properly so there were flour when i ate.
kinda gross.
4th period-geog.
belle and diana moved over and sat next to Josephine.
they were laughing throughout the whole thing.
so keep kana scolding.
5th period-SEL
we had to do some proposal for cip.
broke up into groups and my group was making some crap suggestions.
Josephine suggested having some sexual intercourse thingy.
i laugh until siaoo.
in the end,
we decided on sandwich eating compeitition.
kinda funny.
assembly was next,
but before that,
we chionged to see he yao shan
but she had yet to come so we went to assembly,
after it finished,
we chionged to go and see her again and we did.
josephine was so excited.
she even waved to her larhhs.
and the thing is he yao shan waved back.
i was shocked larhhs.
i thought Josephine knew her but in the end,

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