Saturday, November 10, 2012

you took the fall, and thought of me.

2nd post of the day now, but that's to make up for last week's lack of post.

i mentioned two posts ago that i spend 52 consecutive hours w darling because on the 25th over to the 26th, we had a marathon ; which failed so badly hahahhaha. after watching one movie we were so exhausted we knocked out. during the marathon darling cooked this for me hehehe.
The campbell soup he bought after that day when i complained i had cramps and wanted hot soup but the silly darling dint even let me know he bought it until i saw it standing on the cupboard hahahha. little things like this makes him the sweetest boy ever :-*

The next day baby was supposed to have his farewell bbq at his place w the company and his extended family. Second bbq i've been to w his company and the second one was obviously more comfortable since i've started work at his office so i personally knew the people that turned up :) the bbq ended pretty late once more so i ended up staying over once more, thus two nights i dint stay home ; as good as a camp hahaaha; his cousin sleptover as well. 

Anyway all these was because that was the final weekend before darling was gonna enlist. So we wanted to get as much time as we could tgt:)
Tuesday, 30th October, i skipped work to send baby into Tekong. Headed down to his place first before his parents came back from work to fetch him to Pasir Ris. His dad couldn't send him in cos of work stuff but his mum went in.
I was so frightened that i would cry when he marched off, but i held it in >< no shit way am i gonna cry in public lol. damn ai mian zi but bobian hahahhaa. wells he knows how much i miss him anyway so hehehe. and as i'm posting this, i'm getting closer to his bookout date which is this coming Monday!!!! he gets to book out early because of Deepavali hahaha lucky us ^^ Anyway to all whom are asking, he's in the Viper company.

So although baby's in his BMT period, i managed to find little points of satisfaction such as ... MY SMTOWN TICKETS ARE FINALLY RDYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
and it's like row 9 WHICH IS LIKE SO DAMN NEAR YAYYYYYYYYYYY :D thrs the probability of getting row 40 plus to 50 plus seats so having row 9 was RLY RLY RLY a huge stroke of luck. sososososososo thankful to @clarethepie! which means i'm gonna be able to see my 9 girls so clearly wheeeeeeeeee :D :D :D hehehhe can't wait for 23rd Nov already!

Another thing is i managed to meet up w 4/7 of VAGDAKS ytd:) It was a totally impromptu thing so i guess it's unlikely to have a full attendance, especially w sheena being at Paris for her exchange now. But the attendance was still pretty good for sucha last minute thing
We went to Pique Nique's at Ngee Ann City's basement because i have been wanting to try it for the longest period of time. However the dish i ordered was very disappointing, i couldn't finish at least two fifths of it. The macaroni tasted rly bland, the cheese was too much and even certain parts of the dish had so much salt in it i felt like i was tasting the sea. It completely wasn't worth my twenty bucks at all. Not gonna go back to Pique Nique ever again.

But laughing together w the other 3 felt so awesome again :) It totally felt like we were back at AHS laughing and drilling together as GB girls, definitely gotta meet up w them before vc and ame goes off for their exchange. 

alright time for runningg man ciao.

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