Monday, December 28, 2009

three words to sum up life, it goes on.

this is post number 798.

today was a pretty alright day. i woke up superbly early because i was still damn dulan ttm. i slept at 2 and woke at 7 on a holiday, imba. i couldn't sleep any further because i was really hopping mad, even when i slept. i listened to faecesface advice on how to make myself sleep, worked know :) lovelove.

i headed down to downtown to study with faecesface today, at burger king 8) i did my rants than. come to think of it, everytime i recount my experience, the anger fades more&more. pretty soon, i'll be back the way i was.
i like talking to my friends, friends that i know i can trust even if the world comes apart.

tomorrow's gonna be a looong day. but i'm having breakfast tomorrow with sihuijie. i presume things would be set right than :] wednesday night, am meeting cheryl at church camp. shall talk through the night with her if mummy lets. thursday's gonna be countdown at laguna club, cant wait. :B

2009 was a pretty bad year, &i really hope 2010's gonna be better.
i learnt so many things this year, &i know that for one. i aint gonna spend my time on things that aint worth it.

suddenly i miss grandma again. &wtf, i feel like crying when i think of her.
why do things all have to happen at one go. i feel so vulnerable once more.